রবিবার, ৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Auroragon Trail: Journey Across The Aurora

Seeking: Players for the following characters. Serious Inquiries Only.

Ephalia Bagain
Wife/Cors of Derud Bagain
Mawwan of Paricia and PhetaliaBagain

Last Journal Entry: N/A

Currently: Refusing to speak with anyone except forDerud Bagain

Meson Caverok
Brovet of Hudon Caverok

Last Journal Entry: Meson Caverok, 32 I come from the planet of Novnu, traveling with my brother and his family across space and time. Who knows what I'll find out there. Who know's who I'll find out there. I hope she's pretty. _MC

Currently: Hanging around

Wolov Andefor

Last Journal Entry: Wolov Anderfor
I'm never seeing my parents again.
I'm never getting off this ship.

Currently: With Opum Satiev

Opum Satiev
Only Child
Last Journal Entry: ..."I have been assigned secretary for my family on this machine, which is Mawwan's way of saying Padder can't figure it out. I bet he got stuck on the voice module, I sure couldn't figure it out.
We're going into space, and that isn't even the cryo part. My best friend is coming with us!..."

Currently: With Wolov Andefor

To Apply: PM lostamongtrees or post here. If you PM, the subject of the message should be the name of the character you are applying for. The content of the message/post here, should be a short journal entry for the character you wish to play.

The canon of this plot line adventure story has been established, and it takes place in the sand-box open-world continuous style role play that is The Multiverse. It is a role play inspired by the Oregon Trail and Star Trek. Due to the nature of this role play, anything and everything can happen. Everything you need to know about the planet Norvnu (where these people come from) and their society can be found on Joruv's page, in the in character content. If something to do with the society hasn't been mentioned, that means someone hasn't made it up yet! You'll notice a bunch of strange words and phrases, because we are through this plot fleshing out a new type of human society.

There are three different formats of posting. One format is through use of the "logs". "Logs" are basically journal entries stored in the ship computer. These posts should be signed by your character. You may notice a couple of the logs are back and forth dialogues. These type of entries depict sound recordings, instead of typed/written entries to the ship computer.
Another format of posting is through the chat, which is fast paced and best used if you and the players you are posting with are online at the same time.
The third way is of course, through the tabs, posting forum style.

This plot moves as fast as the players involved. If you post journal entries marking the passing of time, or if your characters are active, time will pass. The passing of time is marked by the posts/journal logs of Joruv Komfiev unless of course the players move the plot along faster than I can keep up!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/007XE0zFHjU/viewtopic.php

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