মঙ্গলবার, ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

A.M.O., A Mecha Space Opera

Note that this may be subject to because I'm open to suggestions and it's something I wrote up in only the course of a morning.

In the year 2074, in a desperate attempt to reverse the effects of climate change, the UN had resorted to what was known as Project Pinatubo. This consisted of a naval effort of shooting aerosol filled artillery shells into the atmosphere in order to cool the planet by reflecting sunlight in a manner emulating sulfur dioxide shrouds of a volcano. The effort was pyrrhic success in that there was significant drop in temperature, though not enough, and yet the sudden rapid cooling affected the hydrological cycle in a way that caused a severe drought.

Sensing they were too far gone, the remainders of Japan, the United States, and Europe cerated the Haruna-Ark Program, led by eccentric scientist Michiyo Hiraga. This robotic space ship, possessing the most advanced ai and English/Swiss Thorium reactors, was designed to search for a habitable planet and terraform it, though it had no human passengers. Instead, it carried genetic samples of not only the human race, but enough of flora and fauna to hopefully create a suitable ecosystem, as well as a breadth of archived information of Earth for the revived humans. However, before the ship was launched, Hiraga was able to the creator of the ship?s ai to do something though impossible, to copy her mind into part of the Haruna Ark?s program.

It was only a couple years before the Haruna Ark?s communication with Nasa and the European Space Union was cut completely, a split second compared to how long it took for the Haruna Ark to complete the mission. Hiraga was arguably driven insane from a lack of human contact, keeping her brain occupied with media loaded onto the computer, and the ship partially cannibalizing itself to stay running. However, she experienced the greatest joy of her life when a suitable planet was found. However, before reaching the planet, the ship suffered a tragic accident in the form of being hit by an asteroid that effectively split it in half.

One half, which possessed the data from Hiraga?s brain, was able to stay course and reach the intended planet, which Hiraga named Shin Kansei, after the Kansei region of Japan where she was born and raised. Shin Kansei was perfectly habitable even had a thorium reserve nearly as plentiful as Earth?s, which gave Hiraga the potential of almost unlimited fuel. The one problem was that Hiraga?s half of the ship contained none of the genetic samples, no Earth life to inhabit the new world. Hiraga heavily considered shutting herself down before finally some life of her own creation for the planet, androids, using her program as a base, and declared herself Mother to them. Although she gave the androids free will, both loyalist, who call themselves The Children, and heavily armed puppet robots mostly kept the population in check to Mother?s wishes until the end of a civil war. A parliament was eventually formed, but has always kept a sizable amount of The Children in its ranks, leading to the nickname of ?The Children?s Council.?

The half with the main computer and genetic samples crashed on a planet that was far from ideal, a water world farther from the sun. With limited power from being split, this half of the Haruna only created a single underwater settlement out of itself, Haruna City, which quickly became crowded. However, it provided a way for the new human race to prosper on the new planet. It did this with large piloted robots called Automaton Mining Operatives, or A.M.O, allowed people to venture into hazardous underwater areas of the planet and harvest its resources. As the A.M.O pilots explored more of the planet, they found traces of underwater life, particularly large, hostile sea serpent like creatures which forced the pilots to arm the A.M.O. While an easy life was to be had for those of the aristocracy that began to form, the majority of citizens of Haruna City do the best they can through the underwater mining and other often dangerous forms of labor. Despite, or perhaps in spite of, these difficulties, Haruna City outfitted their A.M.O for space travel. These were primarily used in creating satellites in hopes of contacting Earth in hopes that civilization there still existed. Instead, they contacted Shin Kansei.

Although immigration from Haruna City to Shin Kansei was initially welcome, a decade long policy of isolation and hostility was put in place when Shin Kansei discovered that Haruna City still used uranium/plutonium fission, and thus had the capability to create nuclear weapons. This lead to the torture and imprisonment of hundreds of humans, as there was heavy suspicion of spies. However, this was eventually stopped due in large part due to Mother?s pressure on The Children. Human members have been added to the parliament, though not an amount proportionate to the actual amount of humans on Shin Kansei; plenty of the androids see humans as inferior, or still suspect a human attack, including some of The Children despite Mother?s stance.

Shortly afterwards, Haruka City had a real invasion to death with. The force approached in enormous battle ships, which released swarms of A.M.O looking soldiers towards the city. The A.M.O themselves couldbarely hold them off, and enough came though that thye were able to break through the shields and flood Section 6, a whole tenth of the city. But when all seem lost, a satellite known as the Orion Buster fired a laser power by a focused nuclear blast, destroying several battle ships. Although a squad of the invading soldiers ended up severely damaging the Orion Buster, the invading force ultimately retreated.

With both prisoners of war and corpses, a bit has been learned about the invading force. They were not in fact robots, but a giant humanoid species wearing armored space suits. Removing the armor revealed that their bodies were feminine and that they all had reptilian traits such as a tail and a pair of horns, as well as yellow, read, and orange scales. Although work has been done on trying to translate their language, there has been no success as of yet.

Although scared, most of the android population of Shin Kansei wanted little to do with the conflict until their intelligence confirmed that the alien forces built bases on two of Shin Kansei?s moons in order to recooperate. This lead to the forging of an alliance in preparation of another alien attack. Shin Kansei not only are gathering their own army, but have overhauled the development of Haruna City?s A.M.O for both Haruna City and now their own use, the designs of which seem to be influenced by at least partially influenced by various old earth media. They have even provided aid in trying to repair Haruna city. However, the mysteries of the attackers and whether or not Haruna City and Shin Kansei?s efforts are enough to stop a second attack are still to be seen.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/CrB0TCkhGJo/viewtopic.php

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