বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Relationship Park: Why You Should Enjoy the Scenery | For Colored ...

Relationships, in all their struggle and triumph, are quite similar to a walk in the park. Allow me to illustrate?

The park is such a serene place. Trees swaying in the wind. The breeze countering the caressing rays of the summer sun. The scene is beautiful?picturesque. As you sit along the park bench, soaking up the scenery, you notice dozens of couples about, but you notice one in particular. They seem to be so in-tune with each other. They are holding hands, laughing, talking and seem to be enjoying each other?s company. They take time to smell the flowers, look at the birds?they even wave hello to you.

Then you see another couple approaching. They are talking and moving swiftly along the path. They are clearly in their own world. They are moving so fast, they are almost trotting along. They don?t notice anything?you?the birds?other people?they just breeze down the path.

You make your way to the exit and sit for a while. Once there, you notice two things?the second couple has exited the park and is immersed in their bickering. It looks very explosive, too. They leave?but not together. Then you see the first couple who took their time and enjoyed each other?s company. They are still just as happy leaving as they were when they entered. What a beautiful sight.

Relationships need time to grow. I talk with so many women who meet a great guy and instantly begin the ?push? to get him to commit. This is like the kiss of death. Because no matter how much you try, you can?t force a person to do something they really don?t want to do. And when you rush through things ? through relationships ? they tend to fall apart just as quickly.

In the picture I painted, the second couple rushed through the park and didn?t notice all the beauty that surrounded them. They were in such a hurry to get to the end that they missed all the beautiful things and lessons along the path. Rushing left no room for growth and bonding, which led to their ultimate demise.

The first couple made it through together and still seemingly happy. This is because they took the necessary time to get to know each other while they walked along the path. They didn?t rush or force anything to happen, and as a result?it worked.

The path is filled with countless opportunities to learn each other?s likes, dislikes, arguing style, affection preferences and all the other pertinent personality clues. When you rush, you miss all the warning signs that are posted along the path.

I encourage you to take your time in relationships. Trust me, it?s well worth the wait and the patience. Enjoy your walk in the park?hopefully, you?ll be the couple happily exiting together.

[Photo Credit]


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Senica Evans is a mother, author, speaker and survivor of destructive relationships, domestic violence and sexual abuse. As a relationship expert, she is on a mission to help women overcome, survive and break the cycle of these destructive relationships. Visit her today at www.sennysen.com.

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Tags: dating, love, relationship advice, relationships

Source: http://forcoloredgurls.com/2012/09/relationship-park-why-you-should-enjoy-the-scenery/

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