বুধবার, ১৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Disability Rights Treaty OK Could Backfire on Planned Parenthood ...

by Wendy Wright | Wash?ing?ton, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/16/12 6:44?PM

They didn?t see that com?ing. Planned Parenthood?s sup?port of the UN Dis?abil?ity treaty has put the abor?tion group in an awk?ward posi?tion. In the abor?tion group?s zeal to sup?port the treaty because it endorses the right of per?sons with dis?abil?i?ties to access ?repro?duc?tive health care,? it neglects to notice that the same treaty would require abor?tion clin?ics to com?ply with bur?den?some build?ing regulations.

The UN Dis?abil?ity treaty seeks to ensure peo?ple with dis?abil?i?ties can nav?i?gate through?out soci?ety. It is not with?out crit?ics, who are wor?ried about its infringe?ment on parental rights, national sov?er?eignty, and???as Planned Parenthood?s sup?port val?i?dates???threat to unborn babies.

Sen?a?tor Marco Rubio reg?is?tered his con?cern and intro?duced an amend?ment to the treaty defin?ing that the treaty?s ref?er?ence to sex?ual and repro?duc?tive health does not include abortion.

This set off Planned Parenthood?s lob?by?ists. Chlo? Cooney, Direc?tor of Global Advo?cacy for Planned Par?ent?hood Fed?er?a?tion of Amer?ica, penned an edi?to?r?ial titled, ?Marco Rubio Seeks to Deny Dis?abled Women Full Access to Repro?duc?tive Health Care.?

While pro-abortion sen?a?tors dis?missed the idea that ?sex?ual and repro?duc?tive health? would include abor?tion, Chlo? writes, ?To be clear, abor?tion is part of sex?ual and repro?duc?tive health care. State Depart?ment offi?cials agree and said as much dur?ing the CRPD hearing.?

She went on to com?plain about any effort that ?serves only to harm mil?lions of per?sons with dis?abil?i?ties around the world, most of all women with disabilities.?

What then would she say about abor?tion clin?ics that do not meet fed?eral stan?dards in the Amer?i?cans for Dis?abil?i?ties Act (ADA)? And the Obama administration?s refusal to hold an abor?tion clinic to equal standards?

This week the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel reported that the U.S. Depart?ment of Jus?tice declined to pur?sue a com?plaint against an Indi?ana abor?tion clinic for fail?ing to pro?vide hand?i?capped park?ing spaces or a wheel?chair?ramp.

The com?plaint was filed after women were seen leav?ing the Fort Wayne Women?s Health abor?tion busi?ness unable to walk unaided.

?When women leave this facil?ity, they often?times have their arms over two peo?ple as they limp to their car,? Cathie Hum?barger told LifeNews.com.

?It appears to me that their phys?i?cal con?di?tion should really have neces?si?tated being trans?ported in a wheel?chair, but that is not avail?able to them since there is no wheel?chair ramp at the facil?ity,? she said. ?My heart breaks for the women who make the choice to have an abor?tion. I care about these women and the lack of proper care after their pro?ce?dure is alarm?ing to?me.?

In a let?ter to Hum?barger, the Jus?tice Depart?ment said it would not act. ?[O]ur deci?sion does not indi?cate whether or not we believe there has been a vio?la?tion of the ADA ? the Depart?ment is not able to pur?sue every com?plaint we receive.?

?All they needed to do was send a let?ter? to the abor?tion busi?ness, said Hum?barger. ?Almost with?out excep?tion, local build?ings???from churches to strip clubs???are required to have wheel?chair access. Why should the Fort Wayne Women?s Health Orga?ni?za?tion???an abor?tion facil?ity???get a?pass??

Abor?tion advo?cates vig?or?ously fight against gov?ern?ment safety and health reg?u?la?tions on abor?tion clin?ics, such as ensur?ing ambu?lance gur?neys can fit through door?ways. Lack of gov?ern?ment over?sight was blamed for the hor?rific con?di?tions in Ker?mit Gosnell?s abor?tion den, nick?named the ?house of horrors.?

Under newly enacted reg?u?la?tions passed in Vir?ginia???and con?tinue to be chal?lenged by Planned Par?ent?hood???inspec?tors found 80 vio?la?tions in just 9 clin?ics. It?s worth not?ing the kind of con?di?tions found in the Roanoke Planned Par?ent?hood in a sched?uled???not random???inspection:

An obser?va?tion was con?ducted on July 20, 2012 on 10:20 a.m. with Staff #10, Staff #11 and Staff #12 within Pro?ce?dure room (D). The obser?va?tions revealed a brown?ish red splat?ter approx?i?mately one inch diam?e?ter between the pro?ce?dure table?s main cush?ion and the end of the table sup?port cush?ion. Staff #10 ini?tially iden?ti?fied the sub?stance, but was unable to maneu?ver the brush between the two cush?ions. Staff #10, Staff #11, and Staff #12 deter?mined the end of the table sup?port cush?ion was attached to a metal track and was remov?able. Staff #10 removed the sup?port cush?ion the edge of the cush?ion clos?est to the main body of the table had mul?ti?ple areas of dried blood. The under?car?riage of the sup?port cush?ion had mul?ti?ple areas w[h]ere blood had dripped and ran down the under car?riage. The accu?mu?la?tion of dried blood var?ied in col?oration and thick?ness. Staff #10 acknowl?edged the sub?stance was dried blood and not beta?dine. Staff #10 and Staff #12 acknowl?edged with the accu?mu?la?tion of dried blood the pro?ce?dure table had not been dis?in?fected between patients.. Staff #10 and Staff #12 acknowl?edged with the accu?mu?la?tion of dried blood the pro?ce?dure table had not been dis?in?fected between patients.

If this is how Planned Par?ent?hood treats its patients inside their clin?ics, surely they don?t care about wheel?chair ramps for when their patient leaves. Even if it ensures a gur?ney can get a woman to an ambulance.

Abor?tion advo?cates who sup?port the UN Dis?abil?ity treaty need to answer: Will they require abor?tion clin?ics to com?ply with build?ing reg?u?la?tions to accom?mo?date peo?ple with dis?abil?i?ties???and those made dis?abled by abor?tion services?

Life?News Note: Wendy Wright writes for the Catholic Fam?ily and Human Rights Insti?tute. This arti?cle orig?i?nally appeared in the pro-life group?s?Tur?tle Bay and Beyond?blog and is used with permission.

Arti?cle source: LifeNews.com http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/lifenews/newsfeed/~3/TAfTfICqv28/

Tags: Planned Parenthood, Political, Prolife

Source: http://empowershop.net/disability-rights-treaty-ok-could-backfire-on-planned-parenthood-10081.htm

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