মঙ্গলবার, ১৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Virtual Assistance ? Does Your Small Business Need a Virtual ...

Some small business owners try hiring virtual assistants, only to end up pulling their hair out. They outsource their tasks to virtual workers who then skip town or the country and never post again. Or they have totally misrepresented their skillsets, making expensive time-consuming mistakes.

There are ways to cut through the cyber-pile of virtual applications, as discussed in TheHuffingtonPost.com article entitled, ?Does Your Small Business Need a Virtual Assistant?? with this excerpt below:

?Here are just a few signs that a VA might be a productivity enhancer for your small business.

You've blown a business opportunity because you missed a deadline to follow up.

You're not on top of business development because you have no up-to-date client and prospect database.

You have exciting work projects you would like to take on but always seem to be too tied up with the day-to-day running of your business to get to them.

You work nights and weekends to keep up with routine administrative tasks.

You have routine work items that you don't like doing which take time away from other more creative and important tasks.?

The above shows that small business can and should get virtual help. More info on how to find the right candidates is in the rest of the article linked above.

Hiring Help

Small businesses need not be leery about hiring virtual assistance. It?s not as scary as in-person interviewing, as you can see in YouTube videos like this one:



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Simple Tags: How to Find and Hire a VA

Source: http://connect2pro.com/2012/10/virtual-assistance-does-your-small-business-need-a-virtual-assistant/

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