সোমবার, ১৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

How To Use Your Blog To Recruit New Reps Into Your Home ...

recruit new repsA few days ago in a mastermind session we discussed the most effective ways to use blogging to recruit and grow your home business. Whether you are an affiliate marketer, network marketing or home based business, you need clients, reps and signups to generate cash flow and commissions. If you are not getting your business in front of new prospective clients or customers, your business is dead in the water.

Blogging is extremely powerful and since content equals cash, it is imperative that you master the blogging as a marketing strategy. A blog is a business building tool ?if? used properly, that can drive unlimited amounts of passive residual income into your online business.

So in today?s post I want to break down some key principles on how to use your blog to recruit new reps and how to do it right?

How To Use Your Blog To Recruit New Reps Into Your Home Business

One of the biggest and most common mistakes I see people making in their blogging efforts is ?the content? they put on it.

In the online marketing world, creating quality web traffic (SEO content) is all that matters. It will help you rank in the search engines, it will attract your target audience, great blog content will educate, engage and entertain your visitors, and if you do it right, your blog will make you money!

Your blog is the easiest, and cheapest way to get high volumes of targeted prospects in front of your home business or other offer. Your blog is designed to accomplish 3 things:

  1. Traffic
  2. Community
  3. Conversions

Without any one of these your are severely minimizing your profit potential.

But How Do You Actually Use Your Blog To Recruit People Into Your Home Business?

Most people tend to think of blogging as a primary traffic generation strategy, and it should be, but it?s not the ONLY use of a blog in our type of business. Your BLOG should be your Business TESTIMONIAL! The primary focus and MOST powerful use of starting and using a blog in your home business is it?s ability to become a powerful testimonial for you. Let me explain to you exactly what I mean . . .

When I decided to jump on the Internet and begin building my ?at-the-time? network marketing business online here?s exactly what I did. On an almost daily basis I blogged about topics (using targeted keywords) related to my business. At the top of my blog I would always note how people could join out team, and then move on with the marketing message.

If there were certain marketing strategies or resources I used that helped me recruit more people into my business I would create a blog post explaining to tools and resources I used.


Because along with using a blog to recruit I also constantly referred my team members to my personal blog for get marketing training, to get updates and to leave comments on anything they needed help with.

It was the central hub of my business and essentially a ?meeting point? for my growing team. As a result my team checked the blog regularly to make sure they were up to date on what was going on in our business. This was important for two

First, my blog provided easy access to important information and training that was going to be pertinent in helping them grow their own business, and second it was a great way to show some ?social proof?.

People would come to the blog, see the activity, see the training, see the comments, and they saw the team growing. Subconsciously it helped raise their belief level about the business they were in or wanted to become a part of.

The home business industry is not easy?especially if you are new to the game. Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur can be an overwhelming and frustrating task at times. It?s sometimes easy for new recruits to get down on themselves when they don?t have any encouragement or support. The blog gave them that sense of community and support they needed.

As a result their belief grew, their confidence grew and they took more action which translated into growth, more income, faster income, a higher rate of duplication and longer retention.

So we?ve got a blog where we?re blogging about our home business, our awesome team, what we?re doing to market and promote our businesses, we?re ?training? our team and members are getting into the habit of checking the blog regularly for insight and support. All of this create unique momentum and causes the team to grow faster, stronger, and better.

That sounds like a pretty great testimonial to me.

Here?s how to use your blog to recruit . . .

I would send out a personal email to any leads I captured through my company?s lead capture page or my own lead capture pages. I would introduce myself, tell them a little bit about my background, share a personal story about how I got started and talk a little bit about my team and our business.

In that email I would always include a link to my blog so my prospects could get a first hand look at what the team and I where doing to grow our businesses and how we were making it successful. By sending my prospects to my blog they now had the opportunity to get to know me and my team without me even being there. As a result, when I follow up with them in future email they are more receptive.

Secondly, the blog is your way of documenting your success and the success of others. People tend to take things which we read as
more truthful than things we just hear. So a prospect who actually visits your blog and reads about you and your team is going to take what they read there at face value where if you?re on the phone telling them the same thing they?re most likely saying ?Yeah right, why should I join you?.

Having a blog and sending your prospects to your blog first will virtually eliminate the resistance. People can browse and absorb the information at their own pace, without feeling the pressure of having someone on the other end forcing their hand.

What should you put on your blog?

So I get this question a lot, ?What content should I put on my blog??

First and foremost you are promoting you, your value and your experience as a leader in the industry. You are actually selling people on you, more than a product of service. So talk about yourself, your background, your personal success, your vision for the team. Talk about your company?s products and services, what you love about your company, your team, etc. . .

Ask your upline or downline to write you a quick written or video testimonial on why they choice to partner with you and why it?s great to have you as their sponsor. Then and put it on your blog.

Not only are your prospects learning about you, why you like what you do, your personality, your team, BUT they?re also SEEING other people saying great things about you. Third party validation is super powerful.

Increasing Your Exposure and Blog Traffic

So let me share a few things you can do to improve you search engine rankings for your blog posts to increase your exposure and blog traffic.

Keyword research

Using the Google Keyword tool, find a few low competition, high traffic keywords related to your home business and use those keywords in your blog title, and a few times, along with a few related long tail keywords in your blog post.

One secret strategy that?s really increased my blog traffic personally is using images in my blog.

On blog posts where I insert an image to correspond to the blog post keyword I tend to get about double the traffic. So find a few images related to your blog post keyword. In the title, alt tag and description, name those images as your main keyword. For example, if my blog post was targeted for ?online marketing? then I would find 2-3 images I could use for the keyword.

When I save the images to my computer I would call them:

  • online-marketing.png (or .jpg)
  • online markting1.png
  • etc?

Search engines rank you based on how many other websites link to your post related to your keywords, so when you create a new blog post, write an article with the same keyword and submit it to the major article directories with a link going back to your main blog post.

Find a few other blogs in the niche and comment on a few post and link back to your blog post.

Create a facebook, twitter, myspace, squidoo account and post some content based on the keyword and link those back to your blog post.

You do that for you blog and you?re ahead of 99% of marketers.

So now that we?ve got traffic down, let?s talk about $$$, how do you make money with your blog?

How do you make money with your blog?

The best long term way to make money with your blog though by integrating your blog with your email marketing efforts. Once you are able to turn blog readers into subscribers, you have much more control over the marketing message they receive from you. You can email them whenever you want and share information that will bring them closer to making a decision to partnering with you in business. And if they don?t decide to partner with you, you can still make money from them, by recommending tools and products that will help them grow any business.

So there?s more I could go into on blogging, in fact you can take a look and my Making Money Blogging Series but I think this will give you enough to begin using your blog to recruit new reps. No matter what you do if you haven?t checked out this free
$1000 a day blogging training.

Go here now:

==> $1K a Day Online Marketing and Blogging Training

how to create money making sales funnels

Source: http://andreabolder.com/2012/recruit-new-reps/

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